Graduation Pathways


NCS graduation pathways

High School Diploma 

A Personal Educational Plan (PEP)

24 credits with required distribution*

4 language arts 

3 math 

3 science 

3 social studies 

1 health 

1 physical education 

3 applied arts/fine arts/CTE

0.5 Personal Financial Education

0.5 Career Pathway Skills

5 electives 

*Requirements according to new state and district guidelines.

Who will use this option? 

Students who want a traditional high school diploma along with access to the diversity of career-related options offered by NCS

Modified Diploma

A Personal Education Plan (PEP),

24 credits with required distribution*

3 language arts 

2 math 

2 science 

2 social studies 

1 health 

1 physical education 

1 applied arts/fine arts/CTE

0.5 Personal Financial Education

0.5 Career Pathway Skills

11 electives 

*Modified diplomas are based on special circumstances pursuant to an IEP/requirements according to new state and district guidelines.

Who will use this option?  

Students who complete the program of study prescribed by their Individual Education Plan (IEP) and approved by their IEP or 504 team

The Supported, Self-Directed GED Option

A Personalized Educational Plan (PEP)

A Post-Secondary Transition Plan

Passing the four national GED tests given at LCC or UO

Who will use this option?

Students who want to spend less than four years in high school

Students who cannot accumulate enough credits to earn a high school diploma in the time they have to spend in high school.

Students over 16.

Credit Deficient? 

NCS offers many ways to reconcile credit deficiencies.  By design, we are able to offer more credits than a traditional educational setting.  Students have the opportunity to earn up to 8.5 credits a year.  Students can also participate in 3 bridge opportunities– stand-alone courses that occur over Winter, Spring and Summer Break.  Students can also participate in our adventure credit recovery program: I/OCRAP, which utilizes weekends and breaks to build in authentic learning experiences that offer credits in different subject areas.