Weather Related and other School Closures
School is in Session as Scheduled on the Academic Calendar
School is in Session as Scheduled on the Academic Calendar 〰️
If School District 4J is closed all day for inclement weather, Network Charter School will also be closed. Information on school closures will be posted on our website and also on the 4J website, by 6:30 am. Additionally, local radio stations routinely announce school closure decisions before 8 am.
If School District 4J is operating on a two hour delay because of inclement weather, Network Charter School will cancel all morning classes, but afternoon classes, beginning at 12:50 pm, will run as usual. Breakfast and lunch will not be served on these days, so students should eat before arriving at their regular afternoon classes. Students whose afternoon classes are at one of the satellite classrooms (the yurt, MECCA or HeartWise) should confirm, via email, or the Remind app, specific instructions for those sites. The safety of all Network students and families is paramount, so if any student is unable to travel safely to their afternoon class, please stay home. The absence will be excused.