Network Charter School
Where school meets community
What makes NCS awesome?
Free, public education, using Oregon standards-based lessons
Small classes (15 or fewer students)
Free breakfast and lunch
Free mental health services
Both high school diploma & GED-track options
Classes in the community (at Nearby Nature, MECCA, and Heartwise)
Credit recovery opportunities
Life at Network Charter School
Take a peek at the video below for a fun glimpse of life at Network Charter School!
Network in the News!
Choose Kindness Campaign (16KMTR, 11/1/19)
Community Service Day (16KMTR, 10/18/19)
Global Climate Rally (16KMTR, 9/19/19)
In the Net
What it’s like to be “in the Net?” Check out the student-created podcasts below!
Network welcomes donations, which are fully tax deductible!
We welcome one-time donations and monthly supporters. Click here to make a gift. And thank you!