Healthy and Safe School Documents (hard copies of all plans are available upon request)
NCS Local School Wellness Policy here.
Triennial Wellness Assessment Summary here.
Network families and community members may participate in the development, review, update, and implementation of the Local School Wellness Policy. Please contact Katriese ( if you are interested in getting involved!
Communicable Disease Management Plan here. Health and safety protocols include:
face masks required indoors for all students and staff *
vaccination to be required for staff and volunteers
optional weekly COVID-19 testing for students
3 feet of physical distancing to the extent possible
HEPA air filters in all rooms
routine cleaning of high-touch surfaces
frequent handwashing
* The Network Charter School Board of Directors is requiring that all NCS staff wear KF-94 masks, in the interest of reducing the risk of Covid-19 transmission in the school.
Healthy and Safe School plan here.
Integrated Pest Management Plan here.
Radon Plan here.
Radon Testing results will be posted here soon.
Water (lead) Testing Results here.